About us
We are the friendly church just up the hill from the NCR trail in Monkton. You are not a stranger, just a friend we have not met. We have
open hearts, open minds, and open doors. Our mission is to know Christ and to make Him known.
In addition to our Sunday worship, we are very active in the community, with a vibrant day care and pre-school, activities for children and adults, and opportunities to work together, play together, and lend a helping hand to others.
Monkton United Methodist Church was built in 1870. Situated on a hilltop overlooking the village of Monkton, the new church quickly became a hub of activity for local residents. Sunday services were conducted by “circuit riders,” preachers who served the 14 churches of the 20-square-mile Hereford Circuit.
Over its 154-year history, the church has seen many changes. The circuit riders are long gone, but some things have not changed. The original 1870 sanctuary has been beautifully maintained and on Sundays, the peace, music and fellowship of our worship service are timeless. Come visit us and see for yourself!